The Best Movies Starring Donald Wolfit

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The Best Movies Starring Donald Wolfit
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3724 Room at the Top 1959 Jack Clayton NR -
18786 Blood of the Vampire 1958 Henry Cass NR -
21886 Dr. Crippen 1963 Robert Lynn NR -
23613 Uncle Willie's Bicycle Shop 1954 Harold French NR -
34616 The Man in the Road 1956 Lance Comfort NR -
35676 Svengali 1954 Noel Langley NR -
37118 90 Degrees in the Shade 1965 Jirí Weiss NR -
37532 Satellite in the Sky 1956 Paul Dickson NR -
37548 The Accursed 1957 Michael McCarthy NR -
39007 The House of the Seven Hawks 1959 Richard Thorpe NR -
Unranked Late Extra 1935 Albert Parker NR -

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