The Best Movies Starring Derek Bond

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The Best Movies Starring Derek Bond
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
13596 Scott of the Antarctic 1948 Charles Frend PG -
15515 The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby 1947 Alberto Cavalcanti NR -
19661 Uncle Silas 1947 Charles Frank NR -
19837 Christopher Columbus 1949 David MacDonald NR -
21289 The Hand 1960 Henry Cass NR -
28946 Immediate Disaster 1954 Burt Balaban NR -
31226 The Hour of 13 1952 Harold French NR -
34619 The Quiet Woman 1951 John Gilling NR -
35083 Secrets of a Windmill Girl 1966 Arnold L. Miller NR -
35676 Svengali 1954 Noel Langley NR -
41092 Press for Time 1966 Robert Asher NR -

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