The Best Movies Starring Dennis Waterman

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The Best Movies Starring Dennis Waterman
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
7186 Scars of Dracula 1970 Roy Ward Baker R -
29417 Sweeney! 1977 David Wickes NR -
32644 Up the Junction 1968 Peter Collinson R -
35454 This, That and the Other! 1970 Derek Ford NR -
39610 My Lover My Son 1970 John Newland R -
43979 Sweeney 2 1978 Tom Clegg NR -
44009 Regan 1974 Tom Clegg NR -
58086 Vol-au-vent 1996 John McKenzie NR -
60795 Arthur's Dyke 2001 Gerry Poulson NR -
68763 Back in Business 2007 Chris Munro NR -

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