The Best Movies Starring David Ladd

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The Best Movies Starring David Ladd
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5692 Raw Meat 1972 Gary Sherman R -
15859 The Klansman 1974 Terence Young R -
17227 The Proud Rebel 1958 Michael Curtiz NR -
17383 A Dog of Flanders 1959 James B. Clark NR -
20617 Jonathan Livingston Seagull 1973 Hall Bartlett G -
27257 Misty 1961 James B. Clark G -
35458 Beyond the Universe 1981 Robert Emenegger NR -
42981 The Treasure of Jamaica Reef 1976 Virginia L. Stone PG -
43344 Captive 1980 Robert Emenegger, Allan Sandler NR -

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