The Best Movies Starring David Boutin

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The Best Movies Starring David Boutin
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
23784 Seducing Doctor Lewis 2003 Jean-François Pouliot NR -
56756 Le baiser du barbu 2010 Yves Pelletier NR -
57930 The Countess of Baton Rouge 1997 André Forcier NR -
60210 Inside 2002 Michel Jetté R -
63008 Le ciel sur la tête 2001 Geneviève Lefebvre, André Melançon NR -
67428 Black Eyed Dog 2006 Pierre Gang NR -
70461 The Broken Line 2008 Louis Choquette NR -
71317 Je me souviens 2009 André Forcier G -
71876 Décharge 2011 Benoit Pilon NR -
74525 Columbarium 2012 Steve Kerr NR -
82304 1:54 2016 Yan England NR -

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