The Best Movies Starring Daniel Bernhardt

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The Best Movies Starring Daniel Bernhardt
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
27609 Bloodsport 2 1996 Alan Mehrez R -
36899 Bloodsport III 1996 Alan Mehrez NR -
48854 Bloodsport 4: The Dark Kumite 1999 Elvis Restaino R -
53019 True Vengeance 1997 David Worth R -
57622 Perfect Target 1997 Sheldon Lettich R -
58790 The Cutter 2005 William Tannen R -
59572 Global Effect 2002 Terry Cunningham R -
66042 Nature Unleashed: Tornado 2005 Alain Jakubowicz PG13 -
66434 Creature 2011 Fred Andrews R -
68758 Children of Wax 2007 Ivan Nitchev NR -
77320 Future War 1997 Anthony Doublin NR -
80160 Santa's Summer House 2012 David DeCoteau NR -
82367 Kill'em All 2017 Peter Malota R -
83912 Skylines 2020 Liam O'Donnell R -
89948 Hell Hath No Fury 2021 Jesse V. Johnson R -

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