The Top 10 Movies Starring Christopher Cazenove

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The Top 10 Movies Starring Christopher Cazenove
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
4082 Eye of the Needle 1981 Richard Marquand R -
31151 Heat and Dust 1983 James Ivory NR -
33063 Children of the Full Moon 1980 Tom Clegg NR -
40435 Mata Hari 1985 Curtis Harrington R -
41651 East of Elephant Rock 1976 Don Boyd R -
43905 From a Far Country: Pope John Paul II 1981 Krzysztof Zanussi NR -
47261 Treasure Island 1982 Dave Heather NR -
50306 The Fantasist 1986 Robin Hardy R -
55829 Shadow Run 1998 Geoffrey Reeve NR -
59147 The Proprietor 1996 Ismail Merchant R -

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