The Best Movies Starring Chips Rafferty

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The Best Movies Starring Chips Rafferty
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1077 Wake in Fright 1971 Ted Kotcheff R -
9863 The Desert Rats 1953 Robert Wise NR -
19686 The Overlanders 1946 Harry Watt NR -
23331 The Rats of Tobruk 1944 Charles Chauvel NR -
24263 Bush Christmas 1947 Ralph Smart NR -
25087 Smiley 1957 Anthony Kimmins NR -
25970 40,000 Horsemen 1940 Charles Chauvel NR -
29301 King of the Coral Sea 1954 Lee Robinson NR -
30882 Bitter Springs 1950 Ralph Smart NR -
33660 The Australian Story 1952 Lewis Milestone NR -
36580 Kona Coast 1968 Lamont Johnson NR -
36853 Walk Into Paradise 1956 Lee Robinson, Marcello Pagliero NR -
38412 Smiley Gets a Gun 1958 Anthony Kimmins NR -
42418 They're a Weird Mob 1966 Michael Powell NR -

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