The Best Movies Starring Celia Johnson that dorrk Hasn't Seen or Ranked

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The Best Movies Starring Celia Johnson that dorrk Hasn't Seen or Ranked
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
10728 This Happy Breed 1944 David Lean NR -
12635 The Holly and the Ivy 1952 George More O'Ferrall NR -
15126 The Captain's Paradise 1953 Anthony Kimmins NR -
24398 A Kid for Two Farthings 1955 Carol Reed NR -
28580 The Astonished Heart 1950 Antony Darnborough, Terence Fisher NR -
37753 All's Well That Ends Well 1981 Elijah Moshinsky NR -
42448 The Good Companions 1977 J. Lee Thompson NR -

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