The Best Movies Starring Barbara Nichols

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The Best Movies Starring Barbara Nichols
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5904 Pal Joey 1957 George Sidney NR -
14375 The Power 1968 Byron Haskin NR -
19035 The King and Four Queens 1956 Raoul Walsh NR -
25166 Woman Obsessed 1959 Henry Hathaway NR -
25186 Dear Heart 1964 Delbert Mann NR -
33327 That Kind of Woman 1959 Sidney Lumet NR -
33991 House of Women 1962 Walter Doniger NR -
34920 The George Raft Story 1961 Joseph M. Newman NR -
36812 Looking for Love 1964 Don Weis NR -
44012 The Human Duplicators 1965 Hugo Grimadi NR -
45358 Manfish 1956 W. Lee Wilder NR -

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