The Best Movies Starring Barbara Murray

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The Best Movies Starring Barbara Murray
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5035 Passport to Pimlico 1949 Henry Cornelius NR -
10354 Another Man's Poison 1951 Irving Rapper NR -
30618 Operation Bullshine 1959 Gilbert Gunn NR -
32663 The Frightened Man 1952 John Gilling NR -
32681 Doctor in Distress 1963 Ralph Thomas NR -
32972 The Punch and Judy Man 1963 Jeremy Summers NR -
33566 Campbell's Kingdom 1957 Ralph Thomas NR -
38277 Mystery Junction 1951 Michael McCarthy NR -
40250 Up Pompeii 1971 Bob Kellett R -
45062 The Pallisers 1974 Ronald Wilson, Hugh David NR -

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