The Best Movies of the 1970s Starring Arthur Kennedy

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The Best Movies of the 1970s Starring Arthur Kennedy
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2928 Let Sleeping Corpses Lie 1974 Jorge Grau R -
20343 Ricco the Mean Machine 1974 Tulio Demicheli R -
21519 Rome Armed to the Teeth 1976 Umberto Lenzi R -
25698 The Antichrist 1974 Alberto De Martino R -
31538 The Humanoid 1979 Aldo Lado NR -
35737 Nine Guests for a Crime 1977 Ferdinando Baldi NR -
36572 Cyclone 1978 René Cardona Jr. NR -
39021 Crawlspace 1972 John Newland NR -
40692 Killer Cop 1975 Luciano Ercoli NR -
42463 A Death of Innocence 1971 Paul Wendkos NR -
45387 Emmanuelle on Taboo Island 1976 Enzo D'Ambrosio R -

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