The Best Movies Starring Arline Judge

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The Best Movies Starring Arline Judge
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
14327 The Mysterious Mr. Wong 1934 William Nigh NR -
15797 King of Burlesque 1936 Sidney Lanfield NR -
19666 Girls in Chains 1943 Edgar G. Ulmer NR -
20439 The Age of Consent 1932 Gregory La Cava NR -
23321 Is My Face Red? 1932 William A. Seiter NR -
23531 Roar of the Dragon 1932 Wesley Ruggles NR -
26752 Valiant Is the Word for Carrie 1936 Wesley Ruggles NR -
28541 The McGuerins from Brooklyn 1942 Kurt Neumann NR -
30107 Here Comes Trouble 1936 Lewis Seiler NR -
37157 Law of the Jungle 1942 Jean Yarbrough NR -

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