The Best Movies Starring Angela Featherstone

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The Best Movies Starring Angela Featherstone
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2375 Zero Effect 1998 Jake Kasdan R -
9386 200 Cigarettes 1999 Risa Bramon Garcia R -
30468 Dark Angel: The Ascent 1994 Linda Hassani R -
38928 Family of Cops 1995 Ted Kotcheff PG13 -
48827 Takedown 2000 Joe Chappelle R -
51355 Breach of Faith: A Family of Cops II 1997 David Greene PG13 -
52119 The Guilty 2000 Anthony Waller R -
56262 Reeseville 2003 Christian Otjen NR -
58962 Illtown 1996 Nick Gomez R -
59907 Pressure 2002 Richard Gale R -
60426 Beneath the Dark 2010 Chad Feehan R -
62248 One Way Out 2002 Allan A. Goldstein R -
62719 Caved In 2006 Richard Pepin R -
63732 Federal Protection 2002 Anthony Hickox R -

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