The Best Movies Starring Andy Romano

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The Best Movies Starring Andy Romano
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1682 Pump up the Volume 1990 Allan Moyle R -
9155 Mobsters 1991 Michael Karbelnikoff R -
9420 Beach Blanket Bingo 1965 William Asher NR -
11836 Drop Zone 1994 John Badham R -
30177 Kansas 1988 David Stevens R -
31149 The Gun in Betty Lou's Handbag 1992 Allan Moyle PG13 -
36701 Death of a Cheerleader 1994 William A. Graham NR -
50675 Steal Big, Steal Little 1995 Andrew Davis PG13 -
53296 Heaven or Vegas 1999 Gregory C. Haynes R -

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