The Best Movies of the 1940s Starring Akim Tamiroff

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The Best Movies of the 1940s Starring Akim Tamiroff
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2709 Five Graves to Cairo 1943 Billy Wilder NR -
3858 For Whom the Bell Tolls 1943 Sam Wood NR -
4587 The Great McGinty 1940 Preston Sturges NR -
10476 Tortilla Flat 1942 Victor Fleming NR -
15468 A Scandal In Paris 1946 Douglas Sirk NR -
17142 The Corsican Brothers 1941 Gregory Ratoff NR -
18493 The Gangster 1947 Gordon Wiles NR -
18559 Black Magic 1949 Gregory Ratoff NR -
20589 His Butler's Sister 1943 Frank Borzage NR -
21644 Can't Help Singing 1944 Frank Ryan NR -
22180 Fiesta 1947 Richard Thorpe NR -
22474 The Texas Rangers Ride Again 1940 James P. Hogan NR -
25215 Dragon Seed 1944 Harold S. Bucquet, Jack Conway NR -
29015 Relentless 1948 George Sherman NR -
36310 The Bridge of San Luis Rey 1944 Rowland V. Lee NR -

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