brooksm23's User Profile


7/7/2020 joined Flickchart

5 profile views

29 rankings / 54 movies / 0 comments

4 days, 11 hours, 54 minutes spent watching movies

brooksm23's Favorite Movies

Star Wars 300 The Dark Knight Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest The Mummy Catch Me If You Can Zoolander Hancock Jumanji War of the Worlds

brooksm23's Recently Added Movies

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix The Big Lebowski Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Inglourious Basterds The Terminator

The Best Movies brooksm23 Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
Raiders of the Lost Ark 4
The Dark Knight 11
Fargo 81
American Beauty 206
Rain Man 255
Casino Royale 313
The Birds 482
Ratatouille 556
300 718
Titanic 748


brooksm23's Friends

Your friends don't define you, but not having ANY friends sure does.

brooksm23's Discussions

I know your type. Just waiting for the right moment to speak up.

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