boydray's User Profile


12/25/2012 joined Flickchart

576 profile views

2579 rankings / 1341 movies / 0 comments

105 days, 10 hours, 47 minutes spent watching movies

boydray's Favorite Movies

Star Wars The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring It's a Wonderful Life The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King To Kill a Mockingbird Return of the Jedi The Empire Strikes Back Rocky Casablanca

boydray's Recently Added Movies

The Ten Commandments Pale Rider Superman: Doomsday The Valachi Papers Rebel Without a Cause

The Best Movies boydray Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
The Shawshank Redemption 5
Pulp Fiction 6
Ikiru 9
Harakiri 12
Fight Club 13
High and Low 16
Se7en 23
M 28
Die Hard 30
The Third Man 41


boydray's Friends

Where are all your buddies? Aren't you going to invite some?

boydray's Discussions

You are a very mysterious person.

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