The Director of EXPENDABLES 2 is Remaking THE BLOB

Nathan Chase

Nathan Chase is a co-founder and the designer of Flickchart. He's also a multimedia designer & developer living in central Florida, an online culture and social networking enthusiast, a proud father, an avid PC gamer, an incessant movie watcher, known for an eclectic musical taste, and often writing and performing music - on the drums, guitar, piano, or computer. You can find Nathan on Flickchart as Zampa, and email him at

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11 Responses

  1. Merijn says:

    This will be hilarious

  2. Nigel Druitt says:

    “Believable and emotionally satisfying?”

    West also made Con Air; I know some people enjoy that one…

  3. Okay, this is the third time the Blob has been redone. I hope the “remake outrage squad” remembers that the property isn’t as virgin as they pretend other properties are.

  4. Xenomech says:

    *The Blob* remade with modern CGI is going to be grotesque!

  5. bsjett says:

    Guess they finally found someone to make it. I know Rob Zombie was attached for a while a few years back.

  6. white_water says:

    The one from the 80’s is really good. This will most likely be shit but I guess I’ll watch it.

  7. rxsheepxr says:

    “Who can we get to reboot a classic B -movie horror flick? I know, let’s get a guy who has pretty much only ever done action movies and has no horror experience!”


    • white_water says:

      They want to get just some director for hire kinda guy who delivers a safe product. Why would they get somebody who is passionate about The Blob when they can get a generic guy Simon West to do it easier.

      I was actually expecting them getting some indie horror director to do this. Pretty disappointing.

  8. Nilbop says:

    Walk, don’t run, from this picture.

  9. AnonWombat says:

    As long as Johnny Drama reprises his role or has a cameo.