459 Search results

For the term "The Land Before Time".

Actor Spotlight: Barbara Stanwyck

The toughest broad in Hollywood and also one of its most sparkling comediennes, Barbara Stanwyck could do it all – and she did in over 80 pictures in almost 40 years. Raise a glass to “Missy” on her 108th birthday.

Actor Spotlight: James Stewart

Few actors in the history of cinema are as well-beloved as James Stewart. His affable drawl and passionate investment in every role pervades his long career. Here’s a look at his Top 13 films on Flickchart.

The Guilty Pleasures: “Death to Smoochy”

Death to Smoochy is a highly underrated and highly entertaining movie. If nothing else, watch it for an underseen Robin Williams performance. Written by the same writer/director of Cabin Boy, Adam Resnick, and directed by Danny DeVito, this is a great Guilty Pleasure!