beyondhorror's User Profile


3/28/2011 joined Flickchart

631 profile views

321 rankings / 286 movies / 0 comments

22 days, 6 hours, 3 minutes spent watching movies

beyondhorror's Favorite Movies

Hellraiser Casino Royale Dead Alive Perfect Blue Hardware Sleepy Hollow The Silence of the Lambs Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Army of Darkness V for Vendetta

beyondhorror's Recently Added Movies

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Napoleon Dynamite Traffic Cloverfield Ferris Bueller's Day Off

The Best Movies beyondhorror Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
Finding Nemo 226
L.A. Confidential 273
Ratatouille 556
Black Hawk Down 829
The Sound of Music 864
Collateral 915
Mystic River 1065
Mean Girls 1313
Signs 1878
The Italian Job 1944


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