alderwar's User Profile


12/23/2017 joined Flickchart

269 profile views

166 rankings / 42 movies / 0 comments

3 days, 8 hours, 39 minutes spent watching movies

alderwar's Favorite Movies

Portrait of a Lady on Fire Shiva Baby If Beale Street Could Talk Uncut Gems Parasite Corpus Christi The Miseducation of Cameron Post Doctor Sleep Tenet Nomadland

alderwar's Recently Added Movies

Hereditary The Miseducation of Cameron Post Parasite If Beale Street Could Talk Portrait of a Lady on Fire

The Best Movies alderwar Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
The Father 1771
Another Round 1941
Hamilton 2342
Nobody 2672
I'm Thinking of Ending Things 3098
Wolfwalkers 3178
WandaVision 3323
Onward 3680
The Queen's Gambit 4014
Da 5 Bloods 4382


alderwar's Friends

Well...I'm sure you have friends in real life. But then, what kind of friend doesn't send out invites to Flickchart?

alderwar's Discussions

You seem to be the shy, quiet type.

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