Tcampbell69's User Profile


2/1/2013 joined Flickchart

355 profile views

233 rankings / 194 movies / 0 comments

15 days, 9 hours, 8 minutes spent watching movies

Tcampbell69's Favorite Movies

Batman Returns Superbad Rain Man Ghostbusters II Iron Man Kung Fu Panda The Great Muppet Caper The Royal Tenenbaums Batman Begins Wayne's World

Tcampbell69's Recently Added Movies

Hook Raising Arizona Fargo True Grit Intolerable Cruelty

The Best Movies Tcampbell69 Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
Beauty and the Beast 647
Inside Man 1253
Hero 1278
Logan's Run 1548
Con Air 1684
The Patriot 1817
Batman: Under the Red Hood 2081
Armageddon 2191
The House of the Devil 2246
Crooklyn 4388


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