Salyavin9's User Profile


10/23/2021 joined Flickchart

35 profile views

184 rankings / 183 movies / 0 comments

15 days, 1 hours, 56 minutes spent watching movies

Salyavin9's Favorite Movies

2001: A Space Odyssey Elf The Dark Knight Iron Man South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut The Silence of the Lambs Aladdin Gladiator Jaws Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Salyavin9's Recently Added Movies

Spaceballs Ocean's Thirteen Meet the Parents National Treasure Memento

The Best Movies Salyavin9 Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
Alien 18
Aliens 50
The Professional 96
The Thing 131
12 Monkeys 203
Predator 236
The Green Mile 242
The Fifth Element 282
This Is Spinal Tap 297
Hot Fuzz 303


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