Mrzillydoo's User Profile


4/8/2012 joined Flickchart

789 profile views

19544 rankings / 2463 movies / 6 comments

181 days, 9 hours, 20 minutes spent watching movies

Mrzillydoo's Favorite Movies

Interstellar The Royal Tenenbaums Rumble in the Bronx Moonrise Kingdom Blade Runner 2049 Children of Men The Adventures of Bob & Doug McKenzie: Strange Brew Star Wars The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Mad Max: Fury Road

Mrzillydoo's Recently Added Movies

Fire of Love Twisted Pair Fearless Hyena Part II Barbie Cheerleader Ninjas

The Best Movies Mrzillydoo Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
Ikiru 9
The Godfather Part II 10
Harakiri 12
Rear Window 15
High and Low 16
City Lights 17
Alien 18
The Apartment 24
Casablanca 25
M 28


Mrzillydoo's Friends

Where are all your buddies? Aren't you going to invite some?

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