FireSmoke's User Profile


5/5/2019 joined Flickchart

118 profile views

100 rankings / 34 movies / 0 comments

2 days, 8 hours, 44 minutes spent watching movies

FireSmoke's Favorite Movies

Kindergarten Cop The Terminator Predator Terminator Genisys True Lies Total Recall Twins Terminator 2: Judgment Day Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines Terminator 2 3D: Battle Across Time

FireSmoke's Recently Added Movies

Milius Aftermath Happy Anniversary and Goodbye Conan the Barbarian The Terminator

The Best Movies FireSmoke Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
Conan the Destroyer 3332
Pumping Iron 3472
Red Heat 4935
Terminator 2 3D: Battle Across Time 5704
Eraser 6982
The 6th Day 8186
Stay Hungry 9194
Scavenger Hunt 10140
The Villain 11795
Milius 12068


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