's Most Recently Added Movies

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's Most Recently Added Movies
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
11631 A Good Little Devil 1914 Edwin S. Porter NR -
9389 The Jungle 1914 Augustus Thomas NR -
9648 Pierre of the Plains 1914 Unknown NR -
3723 The Champion 1915 Charles Chaplin NR -
8971 Hearts and Planets 1915 Mack Sennett NR -
20529 The Foundling 1939 Tatyana Lukashevich NR -
899 Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages 1916 D.W. Griffith NR -
11566 The Pinch Hitter 1917 Victor Schertzinger NR -
7886 Tarzan of the Apes 1918 Scott Sidney NR -
11074 Under the Yoke 1918 J. Gordon Edwards NR -

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