The Top 10 Krimi Films of All Time

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The Top 10 Krimi Films of All Time
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
7111 The 1000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse 1960 Fritz Lang NR -
10817 Circus of Fear 1966 John Llewellyn Moxey NR -
14460 The Testament of Dr. Mabuse 1962 Werner Klingler NR -
14830 The Zombie Walks 1968 Alfred Vohrer NR -
15732 Creature with the Blue Hand 1967 Alfred Vohrer NR -
15843 The Red Circle 1960 Jürgen Roland NR -
16824 The Avenger 1960 Karl Anton NR -
17196 Dead Eyes of London 1961 Alfred Vohrer NR -
17283 The Mad Executioners 1963 Edwin Zbonek NR -
18047 The Mysterious Magician 1964 Alfred Vohrer NR -

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