The Top 10 Movies Directed by Wong Kar-wai

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The Top 10 Movies Directed by Wong Kar-wai
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
135 In the Mood for Love 2000 Wong Kar-Wai PG -
183 Chungking Express 1994 Wong Kar-Wai PG13 -
1113 Fallen Angels 1995 Wong Kar-Wai R -
1613 Happy Together 1997 Wong Kar-Wai NR -
1655 2046 2004 Wong Kar-Wai R -
2231 Days of Being Wild 1990 Wong Kar-Wai NR -
4620 As Tears Go By 1988 Wong Kar-Wai NR -
5211 Ashes of Time Redux 1994 Wong Kar-Wai R -
5779 The Grandmaster 2013 Wong Kar-Wai PG13 -
7323 My Blueberry Nights 2007 Wong Kar-Wai PG13 -

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