The Top 10 Movies Directed by William K. Howard

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The Top 10 Movies Directed by William K. Howard
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
10212 Fire Over England 1937 William K. Howard NR -
10605 Evelyn Prentice 1934 William K. Howard NR -
13383 The Princess Comes Across 1936 William K. Howard NR -
15257 The Power and the Glory 1933 William K. Howard NR -
16409 Johnny Come Lately 1943 William K. Howard NR -
16804 The Cat and the Fiddle 1934 William K. Howard NR -
17988 Transatlantic 1931 William K. Howard NR -
19200 A Ship Comes In 1928 William K. Howard NR -
21991 Mary Burns, Fugitive 1935 William K. Howard NR -
22936 Murder on Diamond Row 1937 William K. Howard NR -

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