The Top 10 Movies Directed by Edouard Molinaro

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The Top 10 Movies Directed by Edouard Molinaro
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3452 La cage aux folles 1978 Edouard Molinaro R -
11892 Oscar 1967 Edouard Molinaro NR -
13867 A Pain in the A... 1973 Edouard Molinaro PG -
24167 The Ravishing Idiot 1964 Edouard Molinaro NR -
26788 Hibernatus 1969 Edouard Molinaro NR -
26879 Dracula and Son 1976 Edouard Molinaro PG -
42912 La cage aux folles II 1980 Edouard Molinaro R -
44798 Man in a Hurry 1977 Edouard Molinaro NR -
48911 Door on the Left as You Leave the Elevator 1988 Edouard Molinaro NR -
49700 Just the Way You Are 1984 Edouard Molinaro PG -

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