The Top 10 Movies of the 1990s Starring Stephen Dorff

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The Top 10 Movies of the 1990s Starring Stephen Dorff
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1395 Blade 1998 Stephen Norrington R -
4853 Judgment Night 1993 Stephen Hopkins R -
5369 Backbeat 1994 Iain Softley NR -
5818 The Power of One 1992 John G. Avildsen PG13 -
7177 Blood and Wine 1996 Bob Rafelson R -
14076 City of Industry 1997 John Irvin R -
16913 Space Truckers 1996 Stuart Gordon PG13 -
19797 S.F.W. 1994 Jefery Levy R -
45914 Innocent Lies 1995 Patrick Dewolf NR -
47400 Rescue Me 1992 Arthur Allan Seidelman PG13 -

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