The Top 10 Worst Movies of the 1990s Starring Miguel Ferrer

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The Top 10 Worst Movies of the 1990s Starring Miguel Ferrer
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
47461 Mr. Magoo 1997 Stanley Tong PG -
62538 Justice League of America 1997 Félix Enríquez Alcalá NR -
14921 Blank Check 1994 Rupert Wainwright PG -
10612 Cigarettes & Coffee 1993 Paul Thomas Anderson NR -
24168 Project: ALF 1996 Dick Lowry NR -
4436 Point of No Return 1993 John Badham R -
7965 Revenge 1990 Tony Scott R -
10086 The Night Flier 1997 Mark Pavia R -
48660 The Harvest 1992 David Marconi R -
1503 Mulan 1998 Tony Bancroft, Barry Cook G -

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