The Best Movies Starring Robert Armstrong

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The Best Movies Starring Robert Armstrong
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
28776 Panama Flo 1932 Ralph Murphy, Tay Garnett NR -
29090 My Favorite Spy 1942 Tay Garnett NR -
30059 Nobody's Baby 1937 Gus Meins NR -
31751 The Leatherneck 1929 Howard Higgin NR -
32365 Pirate Party on Catalina Isle 1935 Gene Burdette NR -
35119 Service with the Colors 1940 B. Reeves Eason NR -
35762 Gangs of the Waterfront 1945 George Blair NR -
37924 Sons of New Mexico 1949 John English NR -
42061 The Crooked Circle 1957 Joseph Kane NR -

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