The Top 10 Movies Starring Michael Redgrave

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The Top 10 Movies Starring Michael Redgrave
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
208 The Lady Vanishes 1938 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
281 The Innocents 1961 Jack Clayton NR -
3165 The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner 1962 Tony Richardson NR -
3273 Mr. Arkadin 1955 Orson Welles NR -
3650 The Importance of Being Earnest 1952 Anthony Asquith NR -
3685 The Browning Version 1951 Anthony Asquith NR -
4333 The Dam Busters 1955 Michael Anderson NR -
7281 Oh! What a Lovely War 1969 Richard Attenborough G -
8312 1984 1956 Michael Anderson NR -
8775 Secret Beyond the Door 1947 Fritz Lang NR -

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