The Top 10 Movies Starring Lara Flynn Boyle

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The Top 10 Movies Starring Lara Flynn Boyle
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1097 Happiness 1998 Todd Solondz NR -
2938 Red Rock West 1993 John Dahl R -
3306 Men in Black II 2002 Barry Sonnenfeld PG13 -
5888 The Rookie 1990 Clint Eastwood R -
7669 Threesome 1994 Andrew Fleming R -
8297 The Road to Wellville 1994 Alan Parker R -
9155 Mobsters 1991 Michael Karbelnikoff R -
10848 Poltergeist III 1988 Gary Sherman PG13 -
11142 Afterglow 1997 Alan Rudolph R -
13921 The Dark Backward 1991 Adam Rifkin R -

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