The Top 10 Movies Starring Kurt Kasznar

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The Top 10 Movies Starring Kurt Kasznar
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
7595 Lili 1953 Charles Walters G -
8934 Legend of the Lost 1957 Henry Hathaway NR -
19758 Valley of the Kings 1954 Robert Pirosh NR -
24613 For the First Time 1959 Rudolph Maté NR -
24952 The Light Touch 1952 Richard Brooks NR -
27056 Flame of the Islands 1956 Edward Ludwig NR -
27090 Talk About a Stranger 1952 David Bradley NR -
29151 Glory Alley 1952 Raoul Walsh NR -
29257 Ride, Vaquero! 1953 John Farrow NR -
34087 The Great Diamond Robbery 1954 Robert Z. Leonard NR -

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