The Top 10 Movies Starring Joe Spinell

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The Top 10 Movies Starring Joe Spinell
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
375 Sorcerer 1977 William Friedkin PG -
3047 Maniac 1980 William Lustig R -
11740 The Last Horror Film 1982 David Winters R -
16019 Starcrash 1978 Luigi Cozzi PG -
26375 Monsignor 1982 Frank Perry R -
39115 Walking The Edge 1983 Norbert Meisel NR -
41426 The Undertaker 1988 Franco Steffanino R -
43170 Deadly Illusion 1987 Larry Cohen R -
44810 Nunzio 1978 Paul Williams R -
46816 Operation Warzone 1988 David A. Prior R -

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