The Top 10 Movies Starring Hurd Hatfield

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The Top 10 Movies Starring Hurd Hatfield
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2145 The Picture of Dorian Gray 1945 Albert Lewin NR -
3938 The Boston Strangler 1968 Richard Fleischer R -
6347 King of Kings 1961 Nicholas Ray NR -
8549 The Left-Handed Gun 1958 Arthur Penn NR -
10621 Mickey One 1965 Arthur Penn NR -
10654 The Diary of a Chambermaid 1946 Jean Renoir NR -
13765 Her Alibi 1989 Bruce Beresford PG -
17752 Tarzan and the Slave Girl 1950 Lee Sholem NR -
22629 Destination Murder 1950 Edward L. Cahn NR -
26797 Chinatown at Midnight 1949 Seymour Friedman NR -

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