The Top 10 Movies Starring Haruko Sugimura

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The Top 10 Movies Starring Haruko Sugimura
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
76 Tokyo Story 1953 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
253 Late Spring 1949 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
1052 Floating Weeds 1959 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
3008 Tokyo Twilight 1957 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
4107 No Regrets for Our Youth 1946 Akira Kurosawa NR -
4274 The End of Summer 1961 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
11973 Late Chrysanthemums 1954 Mikio Naruse NR -
12791 Flowing 1956 Mikio Naruse NR -
16109 Morning for the Osone Family 1946 Keisuke Kinoshita NR -
17866 Yotsuya kaidan 1949 Keisuke Kinoshita NR -

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