The Top 10 Movies Starring Eric Campbell

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The Top 10 Movies Starring Eric Campbell
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2012 The Immigrant 1917 Charles Chaplin NR -
3626 Easy Street 1917 Charles Chaplin NR -
3827 The Rink 1916 Charles Chaplin NR -
4843 The Adventurer 1917 Charles Chaplin NR -
4855 The Vagabond 1916 Charles Chaplin NR -
5018 The Cure 1917 Charles Chaplin NR -
5303 The Floorwalker 1916 Charles Chaplin NR -
6324 Behind The Screen 1916 Charles Chaplin NR -
7288 The Fireman 1916 Charles Chaplin NR -
7991 The Count 1916 Charles Chaplin NR -

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