The Top 10 Movies Starring David Hedison

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The Top 10 Movies Starring David Hedison
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2135 The Fly 1958 Kurt Neumann NR -
3779 The Enemy Below 1957 Dick Powell NR -
7494 The Lost World 1960 Irwin Allen NR -
13945 ffolkes 1980 Andrew V. McLaglen PG -
27079 Marines, Let's Go 1961 Raoul Walsh NR -
31651 The Naked Face 1984 Bryan Forbes NR -
39653 The Son of Robin Hood 1958 George Sherman NR -
40917 A.D. 1985 Vincenzo Labella NR -
44137 The Cat Creature 1973 Curtis Harrington NR -
48353 For the Use of the Hall 1975 Lee Grant NR -

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