The Best Movies of the 1970s Starring Bette Davis

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The Best Movies of the 1970s Starring Bette Davis
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2218 Death on the Nile 1978 John Guillermin PG -
3567 Burnt Offerings 1976 Dan Curtis R -
9746 Return from Witch Mountain 1978 John Hough G -
33777 Scream, Pretty Peggy 1973 Gordon Hessler NR -
35255 The Disappearance of Aimee 1976 Anthony Harvey NR -
36288 The Scientific Cardplayer 1972 Luigi Comencini NR -
36367 Bunny O'Hare 1971 Gerd Oswald NR -
41560 Madame Sin 1972 David Greene NR -
51296 The Dark Secret of Harvest Home 1978 Leo Penn R -

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