The Best Movies Starring Aldo Ray

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The Best Movies Starring Aldo Ray
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
20696 Battle Cry 1955 Raoul Walsh NR -
22879 The Centerfold Girls 1974 John Peyser R -
26044 Riot on Sunset Strip 1967 Arthur Dreifuss NR -
26724 Let's Do It Again 1953 Alexander Hall NR -
28030 Gone with the West 1975 Bernard Girard R -
33502 Haunts 1977 Herb Freed PG -
33739 Don't Go Near the Park 1979 Lawrence D. Foldes R -
34470 ...and Hope to Die 1972 René Clément PG -
34915 The Siege of Pinchgut 1959 Harry Watt NR -
35785 Three Stripes in the Sun 1955 Richard Murphy NR -

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