tom_funk's User Profile


12/24/2018 joined Flickchart

145 profile views

60 rankings / 32 movies / 0 comments

2 days, 18 hours, 31 minutes spent watching movies

tom_funk's Favorite Movies

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Predator Hot Fuzz Mars Attacks! The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Mrs. Doubtfire The Hidden Fortress Seven Samurai Rashômon Ikiru

tom_funk's Recently Added Movies

Dodes'ka-den Akira Kurosawa's Dreams One Wonderful Sunday The Quiet Duel Ikiru

The Best Movies tom_funk Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
High and Low 16
Ran 168
Stray Dog 410
Kagemusha 520
Red Beard 800
The Bad Sleep Well 846
Dersu Uzala 935
Drunken Angel 1164
Kung Fu Panda 1698
Identity 4062


tom_funk's Friends

Wow, so lonely. Check out that invite link.

tom_funk's Discussions

All those rankings, and not a single comment. For shame!

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