Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)

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Hot Tub Time Machine

Global Ranking

Wins 40%
of its Matchups

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Have It At #1

Have It In Their Top 20

Kick Some Past

Directed By Steve Pink Steve Pink Starring John Cusack John Cusack  •  Rob Corddry Rob Corddry  •  Craig Robinson Craig Robinson  •  Clark Duke Clark Duke  •  Crispin Glover Crispin Glover Genres Comedy  •  Reunion Films  •  Science Fiction  •  Sci-Fi Comedy  •  Time Travel Film Studios &
United Artists
Release Info 2010-03-26T00:00:00Z March 26, 2010
Color  •  101 minutes R Rated R
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Hot Tub Time Machine vs. She's Out of My League

Hot Tub Time Machine She VS.

RedCthulhu said on 5/9/2022

"Hot Tub Time Machine fell almost completely flat for me when I saw it... She's Out of My League..." more ►

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Hot Tub Time Machine vs. She's Out of My League

Hot Tub Time Machine She VS.

RedCthulhu said on 5/9/2022

"Hot Tub Time Machine fell almost completely flat for me when I saw it... She's Out of My League..." more ►

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Comments (2)


TravisSMcClain on 7/11/2011 Reply  · 

Seemed to have trouble deciding when it wanted to be a frat comedy and when it wanted to be a male bonding movie. A lot of the humor revolving around Rob Corddry felt a little forced and didn't really do much for me. Sadly, another instance where the trailers really gave away the entire plot and best comedy bits. I felt like the rest of the movie didn't really offer any surprises.

Likable enough for what it is, though.

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webjock on 9/5/2011 Reply  · 

Barely watchable at times. Really, John Cusak agreed to do this movie? I felt drawn to watch it just to see how bad the premise really was and if the trailer really gave away the whole plot. Even though it was exponentially better than I expected in both of these areas, still only gets 1.5 / 5 stars in my book. How is this winning 48% of the time on Flickchart? It must be constantly matched up with Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon to win that often. Watch at your own risk.

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