mightysparks's User Profile


8/7/2010 joined Flickchart

1196 profile views

430 rankings / 403 movies / 1 comments

32 days, 13 hours, 19 minutes spent watching movies

mightysparks's Favorite Movies

Die Hard Star Wars Shrek 2 Charlie's Angels Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan Scarface Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy I Am Legend School of Rock Final Destination

mightysparks's Recently Added Movies

The Great Escape Taxi Driver Being John Malkovich Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Kung Fu Panda

The Best Movies mightysparks Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
The Goonies 227
Spaceballs 496
Training Day 787
The Hunt for Red October 790
Hoosiers 819
GoldenEye 1101
Major League 1140
The Last Samurai 1242
A League of Their Own 1294
Desperado 1315


mightysparks's Friends

ToryK ToryK

mightysparks's Discussions

You are a very mysterious person.

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