dr_buckethead's User Profile


9/26/2018 joined Flickchart

335 profile views

4270 rankings / 898 movies / 0 comments

72 days, 6 hours, 12 minutes spent watching movies

dr_buckethead's Favorite Movies

A Clockwork Orange GoodFellas The Godfather Jaws Stalag 17 Ikiru Citizen Kane The Good, the Bad and the Ugly The Godfather Part II Once Upon a Time in America

dr_buckethead's Recently Added Movies

The French Dispatch Nightmare Alley Isle of Dogs The Power of the Dog Viva Knievel!

The Best Movies dr_buckethead Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
Notorious 85
Spirited Away 235
Playtime 327
Peeping Tom 334
Top Hat 355
Princess Mononoke 360
Night of the Living Dead 385
Moon 389
Perfect Blue 444
Enter the Dragon 465


dr_buckethead's Friends

Where are all your friends? Aren't you going to invite some?

dr_buckethead's Discussions

You are a very mysterious person.

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