28 Days Later... vs. The Legend of Drunken Master



Oooooh shit. These two are right next to each other in my Top 10, and you know how hard those are when they pop up. 28 Days Later rocks because, like the best zombie movies, it's a zombie movie about people. It's also got an awesome soundtrack and style to spare. Drunken Master II slays just about every other action movie in existence and I'm pretty sure Jackie was on coke or was slipping more sugar than usual in his cereal when he shot that fight with Ken Lo. I mean, cheese and crackers, look at that fucking finale! Now watch it again. And again, and again, and again, 'cause I know I have. I've never seen a fight scene top it and I don't think I ever will. As for making a decision, fuck it, I can't. I'm just gonna leave them where they are. I'm weak.

Jackie was high on kicking ass. Coke or sugar notwithstanding.