Run Lola Run vs. The Matrix



Run Lola Run was essentially a student film with style, where The Matrix combined elements of so many various genres and story archetypes and innovative special effects to reinvent action films. It's impossible to discount the level of influence The Matrix has had on the industry, and other filmmakers since its release. Even if The Matrix itself was derived of past ideas, it was its well-crafted combination that married the elements together in a way that affected moviegoers tremendously that makes it deserve the win.

Run Lola Run is very good but the matrix is epic so over the top and stylish- one of the great sci-fi action films ever! my generations Star Wars.

The Matrix. Easy choice.

Yep, although I love Run Lola Run.

I guess I'm in the minority here.

Run Lola Run is good, but it's not something I have the urge to watch ever again. The Matrix is far superior...

The Matrix takes its concept much too seriously, which makes it ponderous. The acting also uniformly sucks (did you expect anything else with Keanu Reeves?). Run Lola Run is consistent and funny and fun.

matrix but not by a wide margin